S Front St in New Bedford
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Dept. Of Fish And Game (Dfg) -- Formerly Division Of Fisheries And Wildlife, Environmental Law Enforcement (Dfwele) - 0 ES R S FRONT ST
Radio, Television Transmission Facilities - 0 ES S FRONT ST
Mass. Highway Dept. (Mhd) (Non-Reimbursable) - 0 ES S FRONT ST
Potentially Developable Residential Land - 0 ES S FRONT ST
Vacant, Selectmen Or City Council (Municipal) - 0 ES S FRONT ST
Vacant, Selectmen Or City Council (Municipal) - 0 NE S FRONT ST
Parking Lots - A Commercial Open Parking Lot For Motor Vehicles - 0 R ES S FRONT ST
Dept. Of Fish And Game (Dfg) -- Formerly Division Of Fisheries And Wildlife, Environmental Law Enforcement (Dfwele) - 0 WS S FRONT ST
Mass. Highway Dept. (Mhd) (Non-Reimbursable) - 350 S FRONT ST
Buildings For Manufacturing Operations - 360 382 S FRONT ST
Buildings For Manufacturing Operations - 371 383R S FRONT ST
Other Storage, Warehouse, And Distribution Facilities (See Also Usecode 401) - 402 S FRONT ST
Three-Family Residential - 406 S FRONT ST
Single Family Residential - 418 S FRONT ST
Fraternal Organizations - 424 S FRONT ST
Improved, Selectmen Or City Council (Municipal) - 428 S FRONT ST
Single Family Residential - 432 S FRONT ST
Auto Repair Facilities - 436 S FRONT ST
Developable Commercial Land - 460 S FRONT ST
Developable Commercial Land